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Boost your social network !


Do you want to live a longer, happier, and more fulfilled life? Make an effort to interact with others.

Everyone has experienced the positive effects of spending time with friends and family, but in recent years, our social lives have suffered. Our social connections have drastically changed as a result of the pandemic, from rules that prohibited getting together with friends to new work-from-home routines. Now that the Covid limitations are no longer in place, taking stock of our relationships and altering the way we speak can have a profoundly positive impact on our wellness.

Our Social Network

"Our daily social network of unique individuals we connect with, such as our best friend over lunch, our co-workers over Zoom, or even the Amazon delivery guy," the kind and calibre of these social contacts have a profound impact on our wellbeing.

The impact of tribes

Evolutionarily speaking, humans are supposed to be a member of a greater group. Our brains continue to function based on the principles of the hunter-gatherer societies in which we formerly lived for millennia, despite the fact that our lives are very different today. "People are social animals; it is in our hard wiring to interact with others." Psychologists refer to a network in our brains as a sociometer, which is continuously monitoring our social environment. It determines if we have a solid connection to our social biome; if not, it sets off our stress response, which can make us feel depressed and nervous. We also get more vulnerable to disease. In fact, studies indicate that disconnection raises the risk of cognitive decline and depression.

Finding Sustenance

Not unexpectedly, having more control over the when, where, and how individuals engage with one another and meaningful, longer, and more frequent social contact were associated with a healthy social biome; nevertheless, the study also yielded some unexpected findings.

Remarkably, seemingly trivial relationships—like acknowledging a stranger—had a big influence on wellbeing. They actually play a significant role in our social lives. "It's not just about your kids, spouse, or friends; even brief encounters matter because they tell your sociometer that the world outside of you is safe." Positive connections with strangers meet basic needs like feeling connected and appreciated and promote personal growth, according to recent research.

It's critical to account for downtime. We recognise that, although deep connections are vital, we also require time spent alone, and that we cannot always be gregarious. Naturally, there's a great difference between feeling alone and actually being alone; the former provides an opportunity for introspection, while the latter may be distressing. "To be at ease and enjoy your own company, you must like who you are."

In the end, it all comes down to striking a balance and scheduling time for both self- and other-connection. Every encounter enriches the other and has the potential to provide you with a never-ending supply of positive energy that supports your health.

Top tips for boosting our social network:

Make connections with the well-connected: Make a connection with someone who already has a large social network. As soon as you join an established network, you'll begin to form smaller friendship groups of your own.

• Remain at home by yourself: Consider your alone time as a special occasion and schedule it just like a date. If you're staying home, make some healthy meals and pick a movie or book you haven't had time to watch or read.

Take the initiative and extend an invitation to events or established communities. Better yet, make your own. Plan a women's circle, book club, beach clean, or litter drive. Reach out to mothers at the school entrance or make posts on a neighbourhood Facebook group to find possible members.

Talk to new people: Talk to people you don't know, smile at onlookers, or strike up a conversation with other dog walkers or commuters. "Even conversing with the store counter assistance for ten to twenty seconds will give you a shot/boost , just like you take your vitamins in the morning."

Strive for a range of exchanges: From introspective and thought-provoking talks with close friends and family to informal get-togethers with co-workers, light-hearted banter with colleagues, light-hearted banter with friends and spontaneous interactions with strangers. And don’t forget, there’s still Zoom for those who don’t live nearby.

Smooth Skin

Self-Help Saviours  !

JULY 2024

Include these therapies into your daily routine to establish times when you are the only one being focused on.

Would you like to feel more at ease, more in charge of your life, and more equipped to handle unforeseen circumstances? There has never been a better moment to focus on self-care techniques that help us live successful, joyful, and confident lives, particularly as we re-establish parts of our routines that require a little shake-up to feel at ease and comfortable in day-to-day activities once more. "Eating a healthy diet helps us manage the stresses that come with living a daily life." "They assist us in recovering from intense emotions or difficult life experiences both in the short and long term."

Self-help therapies can also help you feel more prepared for situations you haven't yet faced, such as a disagreement at work, a problem in your relationship, or even navigating the obstacles you might encounter when choosing to change careers, if you use them intentionally. Self-care provides you with a margin of protection. "Taking the time to fill your cup will help you react to life as it unfolds with a little bit more compassion."

Finding a routine

Self-help therapies can help you take better care of yourself, which will not only help you grow as a person but also people around you. "You're more likely to have access to that when you've taken care of yourself first. Think of any quality that you want to weave into your day or that you want to model for your kids, for example." Self-care and self-help therapies have seen a recent surge in popularity. But how do you choose which strategy is right for you? Certain tactics and approaches are effective at different times and for different persons. Working with your breath throughout the day could help you feel nourished and sustained. You could also discover that expressing your gratitude to others give you a deeper sense of calm or contentment.

Being able to find the time...

You most likely need self-help therapy even more if you're worried that you won't have time for it due to your busy or stressful schedule. Practices like journaling help people who are constantly on the go and struggle to say "no" or take time for themselves to recognise what's happening emotionally and mentally and to seize the opportunity to be interested, joyous, or more deliberate about their current course.

"Those who are reflective may discover that it gives them a fresh perspective and a means of self-expression without requiring them to alter who they are at their core."

Are you curious about how self-help techniques can benefit you? Continue reading for five strategies to discover your inner peace and self-awareness.

1. Journaling

Why take the action? Journaling is an excellent technique to help your inner peace. Taking a blank notebook, writing down two or three headers (e.g., intentions for the week, things to be thankful for, emotions that occur at work and play), and deciding on a time of day or days in the week to sit down, ponder, and write can be all that is required. "Writing down your feelings instantly puts you back in control of those feelings."

You can consciously carve out time for yourself as a crucial aspect of your own universe by keeping a journal.

2. Time Line Counselling

Why take the action? Time lines are a tool used in neurolinguistic therapy (NLP) to assist individuals to better understand how they interpret time and how it relates to their sense of self. "They can also assist you in determining when you might have established limiting beliefs and, if necessary, in altering them."

Try this: Consider a "rule" or limiting notion that doesn't serve you well, like "I'm not good enough." Try to figure out when it was placed down. What was your age? What took place? Where in the timeline of your life did it occur? Consider your memories and your interpretation of what happened. "Now, take another look at the rule, Challenge the rule by posing the following query using NLP's meta-model questioning: "What proof is there that it is STILL true? What is a more healthful way of thinking? After you have written down the healthier thinking, go back to the incident's location in the timeline and consider yourself in light of your newly developed healthier thought. After considering that more sensible idea in light of your new knowledge and comprehension, move on.

3. Mindfulness

Why take the action? By practicing mindfulness, you can take a step back and feel less dependent on your ideas and emotions. It also serves as the foundation for a number of other self-care techniques. Being a fundamental skill, mindfulness is a self-help practice in and of itself, and it improves other approaches like working with your breath, engaging in self-reflection, and practicing gratitude.

Try this: You can add brief mindfulness moments to your day in addition to the many structured mindful exercises, like walking meditation and the body scan. One that I greatly enjoy is the habit of pausing and turning inside whenever you notice a particular object or colour. Make use of it as a prompt to return to your breathing and become conscious of tension in your body or any persistent thoughts, then come back to the present moment and connect with what is real for you right now.

4. Breathing exercises

If you're experiencing tension, try breathing in for a count of four and out for an eight, as this will lengthen your exhale and have been proved to relax the nervous system. Or try six breaths per minute, which is the optimal number, according to research, to help you relax. As an alternative, you can download the Prana Breath app, which offers easy guided exercises with visual signals to help you de-stress, empower yourself, relax, and more.

Try this: Working with the breath on its own can occasionally exacerbate worries or cause anxiety. Pairing your breath with movement is an easy approach to start working with the breath whether it's unfamiliar to you or makes you feel anxious.

As you inhale, try placing your hands on your shoulders and moving your elbows forward and up without lifting your shoulders. As you exhale, move them back and down. This is meant to keep you in balance.

Playful Woman

How to reconcile with your inner child   !

JUNE 2024

Resolving old traumas and enhancing our mental health can be accomplished through connecting with our inner child.  

While everyone experiences low points from time to time, if you're always worn out and find yourself becoming overly sensitive, it may be a sign that your inner child needs support. "The most genuine, trustworthy, present, and wide-eyed part of our psyche is our inner child." It's impulsive, imaginative, creative, and playful. It's brimming with wonder and innocence.


We experience a sense of liberation as well as being thrilled, inspired, and full of life energy when we feel connected to this part of ourselves. But when that connection is lost, things might start to seem a bit "off." This can show up as anything from anxiety, low self-esteem, and repressed emotions to addictions, self-harm, OCD, low self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts and sentiments.  

So where does one find their inner child? You guessed it: we were and still are the children we once knew. This is our inner kid. A child will feel comfortable as they grow up if they feel safe in their family and at home, if their physical and emotional requirements are satisfied, and if they are welcomed for who they truly are.


On the other hand, trauma develops in a child's mind and body and affects how they perceive adult life if the opposite is true—that is, if parents or other carers are absent, abusive, or both—and many of us may come to think that this is "just how life is."  

"When individuals realise that their adult behaviours may be linked to childhood traumas, that is when they can start to take the necessary steps to heal themselves." "While I would advise you to consult a professional counsellor or psychotherapist for assistance, you may also work on some tasks on your own (like the exercise I've included below). Everybody will have a different experience; for some, it could be challenging or painful, but completing this process might result in a whole new perspective on life.  

Connect with your inner child by tuning in.  

Gather some old family photos and arrange them on a table or the ground in front of you. Think back to a moment when you were truly content. Reach out and touch those memories again.  

It is possible that your recollections are not of your primary carers; instead, they may be with grandparents, relatives, friends, or while you were travelling. As you consider this, consider what you truly enjoyed doing when you were that age.


  • Recall the people you looked up to and the reasons for your admiration for them when you were younger.  

  • Recall your favourite toys, snacks, and pastimes, and think back on the things that made you happy.  


The core of who you are is what came naturally to you.  

If you were fond of these items as a young child, it's likely that you will still find value in them as an adult. Bringing back the activities you truly enjoyed as a child into your adult life is one of the first steps towards nurturing your inner child.



Shopping Spree

How to implement long-lasting change   !

> MAY 2024

We all know that one of life's constants is change, whether we like it or not. However, when we consciously decide to go in a different direction, it can help us see the world from a fresh perspective and be an essential instrument for personal development. Change can be hard, whether we wish to start a new career or pastime, ride a bicycle instead of drive a car, or set new rules for our family. So, how do we implement constructive changes that endure? These expert suggestions from psychologists, life coaches, and scientists provide easy methods to help us adopt healthy lifestyle choices and maintain them. 

Recognise change  

Anyone preparing for change should remember that it is a nonlinear process and that facing challenges can offer invaluable opportunities for introspection and learning. Many of us fall back on old behavioural patterns because we haven't acknowledged and dealt with some of our past experiences and expectations. Please be aware that there are multiple steps in the change process that must occur before a new behavioural habit is created. These stages include preparation, reflection, action, and preservation. Change is beneficial to us only once it is completed. 

Start simply.  

Everyone has engaged in it. Large claims of revolutionary transformation that evaporate after a week. The secret is to start small and treat ourselves with kindness. "We so frequently choose changes that don't fit into our lives, which sets ourselves up for setbacks." The saying "no pain, no gain" is widely held but completely counterproductive. Instead of attempting to drastically change your life all at once, start with tiny, doable changes that you can make to your current situation and work your way up from there. It is possible to change; all we need to do is be realistic and use self-compassion and caution when forming new routines. 

Embrace mindfulness  

Even just one minute of mindfulness each day can have a favourable impact on our brain chemistry by dismantling ingrained thought patterns and creating new, optimistic neural/brain connections.  

If you routinely monitor your thoughts and check in with yourself in this manner, you are building new habits. 

"We can get afraid of what's ahead when change is present." The best approach to fear is to face it head-on. Put your objective in writing by asking yourself, "Where do I want to be after I make this change?" Then, walk us through each stage of the process. Recognise that the challenges you face are those you set out yourself. Try not to lean into panic and instead ask yourself two questions. First: ‘what is the worst that can happen?’ Then: ‘How will I feel if I don’t make the change?” 

Locate a transformational ally.  

A friend or family member can provide priceless support and assist hold you accountable when you start to falter about your change desire. "Find a confidante, spouse, mentor, or coach—someone you can trust." "Select a companion who shares your commitment to your life transition. Have regular meetings and talk about your emotional state because each significant change in your life will inevitably alter your emotional environment.


When the changes we want to see feel completely genuine to us, it is the key to long-lasting transformation. "Any other course of action will not lessen internal conflict between our various characteristics; on the contrary, it will increase it." It becomes more natural to help others become more aligned the more in tune we are with who we really are.


This makes an environment that is conducive to broad and reciprocal interchange, which feeds back into the joy. At that point, the change becomes continuous in addition to permanent.  

Happy Woman

Act and action Self-Love !

APRIL 2024

Is there a proverb that goes, "You have to pull a weed up by its roots if you want to kill it"? When it comes to self-hatred, this is exactly what we must do. We must eradicate it completely and install self-love in its place. The weeds in your life fade away and are replaced by flowers when you learn to love yourself instead of hating yourself. Your life's exterior circumstances all get better. The most ideal state is one of self-love. You are happy if you possess it. All of your dreams for your life and yourself will come true if you start to practise self-love.  

How then do you go about doing this? There are a million and a half methods and strategies in the self-help area that can make your life better. In fact, it can be daunting to consider all of the methods and ideas available to us for making our lives better. In actuality, though, they may all be dropped in favour of one thing: discovering self-love. I often refer to self-love as the great shortcut because of this. We shall embrace the cosmos if we can truly learn to love ourselves.  

365 days of self-love commitment  

The first thing you should do is establish a foundation of self-love, upon which you may then build the specifics of your life. Get a calendar and note the day you want to start making this commitment. Next, 365 days from now, mark the day you intend to finish. It's now time to actually commit when you've completed that. You are going to make the daily commitment to live your life by this slogan for precisely one year: If someone loved themselves, what would they do? Though it may seem straightforward, you should ask yourself this question now: "What would someone who loves themselves do?"  

Choose happiness.  

You are now prepared to discover the most crucial aspect of self-love. But what you will get is not knowledge. Instead, that's a choice you will have to make. Anyone who wishes to love oneself has to make this choice. All you have to do is resolve to prioritise your feelings above all else; to put it another way, make your happiness your top priority. You have to care about how you feel and make it the most important thing in your life if you want to love yourself.  

Love yourself.  

You could probably easily come up with a list of ways that you could show someone else love right now if I asked you to. This is a result of our adapting to the concept of giving to others. Now, though, I want you to make a list of all the ways you could express your love for yourself. Look around you and ask yourself, "What are some ways that I can love myself?"  

You can either type your list into a laptop document or write it down. Make a list of every method that comes to mind, and try to personalise it. As you become more inventive with this, the more comfortable you will feel. The more creative you get with this and the more ideas you come up with, the better.


Here are some examples you might find on my : 

1. Respecting my emotions and acting accordingly.


2. Setting my personal well-being and happiness as my top priorities.  

3. Respecting who I am and what makes me happy because nobody else knows.  

4. Realising that love is the building block of the cosmos. being aware that if I allow myself to be received.  

5.I like to spend my days looking for aspects about my surroundings and the people I'm with that I find enjoyable, and then I try to concentrate on the things for which I am thankful.


6.Putting down in writing all the things I genuinely believe are good about me.  

7.Accepting my desires, the reasons behind them, and the fact that I have the right to want the things I want. This entails allowing myself to follow my happiness, no matter how absurd or dangerous that may seem.  

8.Recognising and accepting my fears.  

9.I'm reading self-uplifting literature.  

10.No matter what is happening on or what is important or pressing, I should prioritise finding ways to make myself feel safe, especially when I feel unsafe.  

11.Laughing is good for my soul; therefore, I try to find things that make me laugh as well.  

12.Consuming the foods that are most beneficial to me.  

13.Putting my personal pleasure and well-being first above anything else.  

14.Realising that the only way I can help someone is by setting and teaching a good example. 

You can add to this list as you get more knowledge on appreciating who you are. Every month, you can review the list and ask yourself if you are still living according to the items you have listed. If not, consider how your current style of living contradicts the items on your list.  

Next, choose what single action you can take, given your current circumstances and resources, to lead a life that more fully embodies self-love. 

Happy Meditator

Finding Order Among Chaos !

> MARCH 2024

The majority of us believe that life is too short, so we cram as many activities as we can into each day to maintain our lifestyle objectives. Despite our best efforts, we are all struggling to maintain composure and control.  We often experience limitations, uncertainty, or stumbling blocks. Which raises the question of how we might find peace amid the chaos by letting go of our urge to be in control. 

Needing to oversee everything causes a certain kind of stress and fatigue. Perhaps you feel under pressure to achieve "perfection" or you are concerned that any change from your goals or usual course of action would cause a calamity as well as setting off a negative chain of events. 

It's natural for you to want to have some control over your life, but we must be careful to avoid developing a bad or obsessional connection with control. When we spend our limited energy trying to control things that are essentially out of our control or ultimately useless, our mental, emotional, and physical health suffer. 

Here are some tips on how to comprehend the underlying causes of these forces in your life and train yourself to let go of the urge for control if you find it difficult to "let go" even a little bit. 

Knowing your why - We must first take into account the factors that contribute to some of us feeling so uneasy when we aren't in charge or making contingency plans. For a variety of reasons, people frequently feel the need to be in charge. Trying to control everything provides a sense or a feeling of safety because it might be tied to dealing with worry, distress, or illness. 

This transient sensation of ease is flawed since it can offer the impression that we have control over our future or fate. But since we never have complete control over anything, this is incorrect. Uncomfortable feelings result from a fear of the unknown and a fear of acceptance. 

Take a minute - Observe your thoughts and feelings for a moment. When you sense the temptation to exert excessive control over a situation in your life or the life of another person, take a moment to acknowledge your sentiments. Do you experience fear, worry, or anxiety?  

FREE your mind. Therefore, the secret is to stop fearing the unknown and start feeling at ease with it. How is this accomplished? Being attentive can help us learn to let go of things that are restricting us and it can also help us feel more accepting of ourselves. Accepting life as it is and what is here is an effective skill. It enables us to let go of the need for control and makes us feel at ease with the way things are right now. People can then embrace the unknown when they reach a level of serenity as a result of this. 

Let it go….. After identifying the emotions or sentiments at play, take a moment to consciously let go of the tension. Take a deep breath, picture the anxiety leaving your body, and replace it with a comforting image like a field of lavender. Release any negative ideas as well; picture them escaping and floating away from your thoughts. 

Move forward - We now know that mindfulness training can help us develop a more accepting perspective on life and a calmer frame of mind, which helps reduce stress. Take travel for example. This summer’s chaos at airports and disruption from rail strikes has created added anxiety for many when travelling – as queues, crowds and cancellations are always out of our hands. Additionally, there are skills for mindfulness that can be used to quickly alleviate fears about things getting "out of control" in a number of circumstances and can be found on the world wide web. 

Be Present - The same techniques for overcoming, can be used for immediate relief, no matter what it is that sends you plummeting from a feeling of helplessness. Grounding activities are recommended to ease anxiety and claustrophobia.

Grounding exercises focus on engaging our senses—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—to re-establish a connection between our bodies and minds in the present. To hear and feel how you connect with the ground, try stamping your feet or lightly tapping your chest, this can reduce anxiety and give you a sense of connection to your environment. 

The most crucial thing is to not avoid places or circumstances just because you can't control them. Avoidance never lessens worry; it just feeds it. But with the correct methods and tools, you'll be more prepared to handle any type of turbulence. Learn to adapt and locate that calm within. 

The following technique should be adopted: 

You can utilise breathing exercises anywhere to help you become more present and reduce worry.  

Exhale for longer: The parasympathetic nervous system, which affects our body's capacity for relaxation and calming down, is assisted by exhaling. 

Breathe from your abdomen: breathing from your diaphragm can assist and lessen the amount of work your body needs to undertake to breathe. 

Concentrate on each breath; slow, concentrated deep breathing helps divert your attention and make you feel less stressed. 


You'll gradually let go of your unhealthy relationship with control when you let go of the idea that you'll be ok by following the above-mentioned actions. You'll eventually strike a sweet spot where you have control in a healthy relationship with yourself and others rather than having control dominate you. 

Speed it up!


What was the outcome of your January goals? Like many others, we are all exhausted from overindulging  so much food and alcohol throughout the holiday season and, as a result, feel sick or let down by ourselves. Finding our true selves and becoming healthier should be enough motivation to get in shape.

Just had a stirring thought.....Ever wonder why one spoonful of chocolate cake goes directly to your hips while your friend can devour it without gaining a pound? Your metabolism, the tiny engine that powers your body throughout the day to burn calories, is the solution.

In my capacity as a sports and fitness lecturer, I promote the following lifestyle habits. If you try it, you'll feel so much more confident in your own skin. Age, weight, diet, and exercise are all important factors, but there are a few things you can do to permanently light your metabolic fire.

GET MOVING: Although it may seem easy, simply increasing your daily physical activity will jump-start your metabolism. Building muscular tone and density through exercise is essential, the best method to do this is through resistance training. If going to the gym isn't your thing, a more mild method of exercise can nevertheless yield notable effects, such as walking or yoga.

Although yoga is most commonly associated with lowering stress and enhancing flexibility and fitness, it also helps speed up your metabolism. Maintaining positions for a minute will also build muscle and strengthen your core.

HYDRATE-Water is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism in addition to keeping our skin smooth, our minds sharp, and our organs functioning properly. Drinking cold water has been demonstrated to improve metabolism. For best results, try to have eight to ten glasses of chilled or ice-cold water throughout the day. Caffeine is a useful tool for increasing your metabolic rate if drinking water alone isn't quite enough to keep you alert all day, Herbal teas for digestion is also key.

SNACK ATTACK: It may surprise you to learn that eating small meals throughout the day might promote fat burning. Studies have indicated that eating big meals several hours apart sends signals to the body to conserve energy, which slows down metabolism. But eating every two to three hours maintains the fires of energy burning. But take advantage of this to graze on nutrient-dense snacks to offer your body a good dose of vitamins and minerals, rather than reaching for that tempting packet of crisps. Try eating mid-morning and afternoon snacks like fruit, almonds, raw veggies, or even low-fat cottage cheese.

QUIT THE DIETS - It's simple to be tempted by the newest, must-try diets that claim to give us the body of our desires, but cutting back on calories can actually work against our health goals. Yo-yo dieters typically end up heavier than when they started, which is why they reach plateaus. Make healthy substitutes while adhering to the appropriate calorie intake rather than drastically cutting it.

KICK START YOUR DAY: Breakfast is regarded as the most significant meal of the day for a reason, and it's the most critical time to provide your body with the food it needs to function properly. Eating breakfast has been linked in several studies to a decreased body mass index (BMI), possibly because of increasing your metabolism. Since you haven't eaten in hours, make sure your breakfast has a variety of nutrients, such as fibre, protein, complex carbs, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

IRON CLAD: Since the body needs to expend more energy to break down fat, eating a diet high in protein, wholegrains, and iron is crucial to boosting our fat-burning capabilities. An other crucial element for your metabolism is iron. Lentils, dark green leafy vegetables, beans, and some fruits, such raisins, are foods high in iron. Iron is necessary for all of the cells in our bodies to produce energy and transport oxygen throughout the body.

SLEEP WELL - Although we might not need an excuse to get more Zs, keeping up good sleeping practices will also guarantee that the metabolism runs as efficiently as possible. Insufficient sleep also raises the hormone called ghrelin, which tells the body to store more food than it actually requires.

FEEL THE COLD: During the winter, it can be tempting to turn the thermostat up to the highest setting, but doing so could slow down your metabolic processes. Time spent in a cooler climate will increase your body's production of fat, which generates heat, and burn lipids, which are fats high in calories. You burn more fat when the outside temperature drops because it takes more energy to keep your body temperature stable.

Needing a holiday?

Rid yourself of the January Blues in 2024.......

Balancing relationships, job, social life, exercise, and life admin – Feeling overwhelmed is a contemporary epidemic, yet regaining control is still possible.

If there's one thing that modern life demands of us all, it's the ability to spin plates well. How often do you leave your day job to attend to a pressing obligation each day? Or interrupt your spouse mid-story to take care of something you neglected to do at work? When you pay close attention, though, you could hear something else in between the dinging of your dishwashing cycle, the clamour of hungry pets or children, and the sound of your WhatsApp inbox. Dishes tumbling to the ground.

However, how can you tell if you're just "fighting fires" or temporarily solving issues? It's about doing rather than just performing. One thing is to check the oil quickly on the weekend, while another is to jump at the first dashboard warning light on your way to work. Taking up the ironing board with vigour at 8:34 a.m. on a workday as opposed to carefully running the iron through your clothes while enjoying a podcast. Making a Ready, Steady, Cook meal ten minutes after the kids' tea time is preferable than batch cooking on a lazy Sunday afternoon. So how do we get from the former's worry to the latter's bliss?

Make edits - For me, being organised entails following routines and leading a life with the least amount of mental and spiritual noise as possible. Therefore, the goal is to free up time to do more of the things I enjoy, whether that be organising my spice cabinet to find the precise spice I need to make dinner or creating a to-do list that is realistic, easy to understand, and simple to finish by the end of the day.

For everyone who feels that they have too many obligations, too many belongings, and not enough leeway in the system in their lives. "Saying no" is such a tough one, but like any muscle, it becomes stronger with practice. Spend the money or time you save on something that is important or vital to you after starting with something that is simple to say no to, like a purchase or a social engagement. In order to make myself feel good about turning down events or meetings, I use those hours to work hard on emails or blog entries. The more times you say no, the simpler it will get and the more time and money you'll have available to you.

However, what if the reason for your firefighting is an unsolvable issue that you are unable to remove through editing? perhaps taking care of elderly or young relatives. attempting to get a project forward in the face of a relentless barrage of roadblocks or dealing with an unworkable supervisor whose absurd regulations are unavoidable. Count to ten………Breathe!

Everyday Capture - What now? We jump to remedies without clearly describing the problem we're attempting to avoid, which is one of the reasons we fire fight because we never get around to solving the long-standing problems in a way that prevents them from coming back. the initial action to end this loop. For instance, you arrive at work intending to address the long-term problems that you know you should be addressing, but within the first three minutes, you receive an email that starts a series of events that prevent you from ever reaching the long-term objective. Seldom do we "step out of the pit" and address our persistent issue from a higher.

The objective is to reframe the problem because the lens through which you are viewing it, or to put it another way, the narrative you are telling yourself about it, is not helping you.

There are several viewpoints on the issue you're experiencing because everyone has a unique perspective on the world. The inner wrestling occurs frequently when we feel stuck, or we've grown attached to the frame and are certain that we know what the issue is. Rethinking and reframing the issue, however, offers a chance to move ahead.

The resolution - Which naturally brings us to the uncomfortable truth about these horrible scenarios we feel cursed with a lot of them are brought about by our own acts, or at the very least, made worse by them. Rather than breaking down a complex issue, our pig-headedness or unconscious prejudices have us pushing it tighter and tighter. You must possess curiosity. When people do ultimately choose to "receive" instead of "transmit," it's usually because they've reached their breaking point and are seeking advice on how to proceed. People are completely transparent by then. Taking a light-hearted approach to an issue and concentrating on its apparent answer is the best way to approach its resolution.

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