Mamuna Arshad
"Have Yourself
A Merry Little Christmas…"
December 2011 – Step 12 of a 12 Month Programme
The holidays are a source of stress for millions of people each year. All too often, the joy and good will of Christmas turns into anxiety and depression as individuals worry about the ability to buy expensive presents and host family and friends at their home. Don t try to please everyone and strive for perfection, it s unachievable and above all it s absolutely no fun! Stick to a budget, presents don’t need to cost the earth to be thoughtful. Above all, take time to think about what really matters and what is important to you.
Have a reality check and ask yourself -
1. How much of Christmas is a duty and a chore?
2. Howcan you change that?
3. Do you find yourself dreading, rather than looking forward to the holidays?
4. Do you become obsessed with holiday party planning – always trying to
“one up” your previous parties or events held by neighbours and friends?
5. Do you drink more alcohol than usual as a means of escape before during or
after the Christmas season?
6. Do you overspend on gifts and parties, finding yourself stressed out over
your finances come January?
Ifyou answered “yes” to any of these questions, consider the following coping strategies to help you get through the coming Christmas Season
Delegate, delegate, delegate One of the most common sources for personal stress during the holidays comes from trying to take too much responsibility on your shoulders. Find relatives willing to help (or unwilling to for that matter) and shift some of the duties on them. ·
Don’t drink too much during the holidays. The need to escape may be strong, but don’t resort to drinking during the Christmas. By doing so, you will only be fueling more anxiety and post-holiday depression – not to mention putting yourself at risk.
Don’t play “Keeping up with the Joneses.” We place a great deal of stress on ourselves in an attempt to always buy the nicest presents or throw the most lavish parties. Instead, try to focus on what matters most during the holidays – having everyone you love close to you and in good health.
So in December……
Ditch: the healthy eating and reach for the mince pie!!
Take Up: Goodwill to all – get into the festive spirit
Pat yourself on the back: For not drink driving.....
Press the snooze button in November 2011 – Step 11 of a 12 Month Programme
Sleeping later at the weekend could be vital to our health and well-being!
If you love lazy weekends spent sleeping, then I bring good news. Research has shown that those extra hours in bed at the end of the week are vital for our well being.
Research suggests lie-ins provided an antidote to the effects of days of sleep deprivation during the week. Experts say most people need between 7.5 and nine hours' sleep a night.
Previous research found that even moderate sleep deprivation can seriously impair brain functions.One or two hours of extra sleep is an essential boost to brain power and is all that’s needed to re-energise the brain and improve concentration and develop a better attention span. But for those of you who are seriously sleep deprived, even 10 hours spent snoozing may be inadequate to cancel out the negative effects of late nights and early mornings.
Not getting enough sleep can have adverse effects on health, including stress, poor immune system and low moods, which can have an impact on your work performance. Although it is recommended that we get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, some of us are losing sleep by not getting enough.
Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to feeling energetic and making the most of our days. Some nights, even though we are very tired it is difficult to get to sleep because there is so much going on in our minds. When this happens, we feel stressed and that makes it even more difficult to get some rest.
If you find having a lie in is not a problem but getting to sleep is, here is a list of techniques you may want to use to clear your mind before bed:
1. Go for a massage. Complementary Therapies are a great way to de stress and relax
and definitely promote a good night sleep.
2. Take a warm bath to relax muscles so thatfalling asleep occurs easily.
3. Listen to soothing music.
4. If you go to bed and cannot keep your mind from thinking too much, get out of bed and
do something (read) until you are very tired and then go back to bed.
5. Keep a diary -Write down what has happened during the day that was troubling and
what was positive – it helps to clear your thoughts about the day.
It is helpful to have a list of techniques that help to clear your mind before going to bed, so when you are in bed and cannot fall asleep, you know what to do rather than tossing and turning and feeling stressed because you cannot sleep.
So make sure you grab your pyjamas and your duvet this weekend for a lovely long lie- in.
Balance your spiritual side in October 2011 – Step 10 of a 12 Month Programme
A good balance between mind & body balance is crucial to good all-round health and so this years series of steps covers all those areas of offering advice designed to guide you on your path to a healthy lifestyle.
Every day, plan to have a moment that reminds you that life is meant to be enjoyed. It might be first thing in the morning - a cup of coffee and a last snuggle in bed before you get up. Why not enjoy a late night listening to music or sipping a glass of chilled wine? It could be your yoga class as you pull in your muscles or meeting up with your friends for a night out.
We all know the feeling that life is bigger than ourselves and the sense of peace that comes with it. All you have to do is give yourself the space to feel it more often - ideally once a day
Reclaim time for yourself: We all know there is never enough time in the day. So ensuring your time is as much your own as possible is essential to maintaining control and space in your life to get done those things you want and need to get done.
Here are five tips to taking back your time:
- Leave work on time. Don't let your working day be hijacked by others.
- Try not to postpone tasks you dread.
- Give up the 'disease to please' - Learn to say no. Don't do favours for others when it doesn't suit you. Don't change your plans to fit in with others.
- Go where other people are - increased social contact reduces stress.
- Have a good laugh - positive emotions associated with laughter decrease stress hormones and increase certain immune cells.
Meditation gives peace of mind, relief from stress, brilliant ideas, better health and an enviable lightness of spirit. Follow these five simple steps to get the most out of meditation:
(1) Sit in any comfortable position and close your eyes. (2) Relax each group of muscles in turn, (3) Inhale through your nose, (4) Exhale through your nose.Repeat. When your mind wanders - and it will - observe your thoughts, then let them go and bring your focus back to your power word (peace). (5)Gently come out of your meditation and stretch. Any time spent meditating is good.
Start with a few minutes and build up. 10 minutes a day can have a profoundly relaxing effect on your life.
Finally, and most importantly, be positive!
Complementary Therapies–The Mind and body are inseparable and our physical health is very important for our overall sense of well being.There are many ways we can all promote and protect our physical and mental health: Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage (to name a few) are wonderful treatments to boost your motivation and commitment towards fitness.
So in October ………….
Ditch: The junk food.
Take up: Keeping a diary. Keep pen and paper by your bed and scribble dreams and thoughts
Pat yourself on the back: Take time out for a long pampering soak with aromatherapy oils
Shape up in September 2011
- Step 9 of a 12 Month Programme
Does the thought of going to the gym and getting a sweat on in front of a bunch of strangers fill you with dread?
If you've got 'gym phobia' then I might have the perfect solution for you. I've rounded up the best ways to burn calories and there's not a treadmill in sight!
1 Keep your body guessing
In order to stay motivated and stop your body getting used to the same routine, change your workouts regularly. For example, in one week, follow a treadmill session with upper body strength training, switching to lower body and then back to upper body again. The next week, switch things around again.
2 Don’t be afraid to snack
In order to change your body shape, you need to keep your metabolism high. This means snacking between three balanced meals. Ideal snacks include cottage cheese on Ryvita or a handful of apricots with some unsalted nuts.
3 No pain, no gain!
In order to get real results, you’ve got to go all out. When exercises start to burn, push on through a few more repetitions. Test yourself to the limit.
4 Keep it simple
Walking is great exercise. Only one and a half times your body weight goes onto your joints when walking and, with no diet change, walking 20 minutes for five days a week will reduce body fat by 14lb over the course of the year.
An Alternative guide to exercise….Try it!
- Shop till you drop! Pushing a shopping trolley up and down your local supermarket burns 243 calories an hour.
- Be a domestic goddess! An hour's housework or cleaning will burn 240 calories an hour!
- Get digging and weeding because gardening for an hour burns 300 calories.
- Make some time to play with the kids for an hour and burn 230 calories in the process!
- Go for a brisk walk on your lunch break and burn up to 250 calories per hour
- Take the stairs of using the lift or elevator and burn 10 calories a minute!
- Get eight hours of sleep a nightwill burn 360 calories.
Complementary Therapies– Can help improve your levels of fitness, energy and well being. The Mind and body are inseparable and our physical health is very important for our overall sense of wellbeing. Our mental health can be affected by our physical health and vice versa and this is why it is vital that we take a holistic approach to recovery.
There are many ways we can all promote and protect our physical and mental health: Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage (to name a few) are wonderful treatments to boost your motivation and commitment towards fitness.
So in September ………….
Ditch: The fizzy drinks and doughnuts. Snack on a handful of seeds and nuts and always have a bottle of water to hand.
Take up: Time Management. At the end of each day, make a list of how you will spend the next day.
Pat yourself on the back: Sign up for an adult learners course or evening class
It’s summer, so let go of your inhibitions and enjoy yourself! August 2011 - Step 8 of a 12 Month Programme
Most of Us have inhibitions regarding our bodies and our looks, maybe you have inhibitions regarding feelings and showing emotions.
Inhibitions are limiting mental states that may keep you from meeting your full potential in life. Inhibitions are our own worst fears, they stop us from living are lives and can impact on every aspect of our being from our personal life, family life, to our friendships.
Ask yourself ....
If you are having trouble communicating? are you feeling inadequate, fearing the loss of control? Do You lack empathy, lack the ability to feel your own emotions and the ability to express them? Are You having low self confidence or have low self esteem issues?
Your inhibitions stem from you trying to fit in and being accepted. Your inhibitions are your own creation, which means that you have the power to change or lose your inhibitions. They are habits, and beliefs which can be changed. Almost all inhibitions are unnecessary and pointless.
Here's a list of possible ways you can go about losing Your Inhibitions
- First, decide that you really want to lose your inhibitions. Set a very clear intention.
-You can get far if you raise your general level of consciousness by doing personal development, self improvement and perhaps even checking out your own belief and spirituality.
- Make a list of your inhibitions.
-Use your free will and determination to choose a change in your pattern of behaviour. It has been said that 21 days in a row where you do something other than your present habit is the minimum amount of time it takes to break a habit.
-Inhibitions are fear based, so face your fears to overcome them. Simply put yourself in the position that you fear. Example: Do you want to lose your inhibitions regarding public speaking? Then join a public speaking society/club.
So this Summer, shed your inhibitions…………...
Complementary Therapies – Simple natural practices, when adhered to regularly over time may gradually help you overcome the behavioural thought patterns and relieve the related states of inhibition. Break the cycle today!
Complementary Therapies offer a unique approach and can bring about a new perspective on the way you lead your life. Most therapies give you the opportunity to think about yourself and provide a welcomed break from the pressures that we adopt.
Take the time to allow yourself to mentally, emotionally and physically release your anxieties; try Aromatherapy and Reflexology. Take up meditation or join a Thai Chi class.
So in August............... Remember what you adored as a child and try to capture those blissful feelings again. Get outdoors and into the elements – splash in the pool, walk the hills, ride a horse, paddle a canoe, go for a bike ride etc.
Ditch: Being grown –up and responsible (for a day!)
Take up: Dancing – It plugs you right into your body. Whether it’s ballroom or belly-dancing, zumba or biodanza, get into the groove.
Pat yourself on the back: Being sun safe. Stock up on high factor sunscreen, cover up and keep your cool in the sun.
Boost your self Esteem
July 2011 - Step 7 of a 12 Month Programme
A high level of self-esteem is the key to success in life!
The way we view and feel about ourselves has a profound effect on how we live our lives. These opinions are shaped by our experiences within the family, at school, with friends, at work and in the community.
Self-esteem involves our ability to think, to deal with life and to be happy. When you have low self esteem we tend to view life in a very negative way which makes everything seem hopeless and pointless. We see our self as being worthless, think other people are better than us and have difficulty in saying what we really feel and want, we lack confidence and find it difficult to stand up for our self .
There may be any number of reasons why one may have low self esteem. You may have had a breakdown in a relationship, been bullied, lost your job and suffered from poor health. You may have been in a situation where you felt another person had controlled you, you may have felt used … all these things can lead to a person having low self esteem.
The key to understanding low self esteem is learning how to deal with and prevent the negative thoughts and self perceptions which create and reinforce your belief that in some way you are not good enough.
Why don t you try the following :Do what you love: Put effort into making life pleasurable and satisfying. Arrange to be in situations which are playful and make you laugh.
Learn something new: Maybe something you have always wanted to try, even something you never thought you could do. If you are stuck for ideas, look on notice boards and in local publications, observe or ask other people, think about what you have enjoyed in the past.
Keep a diary: when you write entries into your diary, you will begin to identify your strengths and boost self esteem. Usually when we suffer from low self esteem, we struggle a lot to bring good things to mind, we might feel uncomfortable thinking about, talking about or writing about the positive qualities we have. But to start acknowledging or remembering our positives, we need to write them down. When your self esteem is high, you view life in a positive way, you feel confident, you enjoy life, you see difficulties as challenges, You are able to stand up for yourself, believe in yourself and believe that you are worth just as much as anyone else.
Look after yourself physically: Eat regularly, thinking about the sort of food you eat, and making sure you try to get the amount of sleep you need.
Exercise: Being in your body and getting those endorphins going can help you to feel good and increase your confidence. Hold your head high.
Complementary Therapies :Can help eliminate negative thought and help you relax and release tension and stress and enable you to boost and improve your energy levels and general well-being.
So in July...............
Ditch: Negative thoughts
Love Yourself: Take yourself as you are. . When you love yourself other will love you too. Be grateful for you and take good care of yourself. Know that- You are unique in every possible ways.
Take up: Daily meditation can help you achieve a calm state of mind and it will be more easier to overcome low self esteem. It helps you to increase awareness of the present moment, about yourself. Daily sessions can decrease stress levels, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth. When we are calm and aware, our real worth can over come low self-esteem. We can be more confident.
Pat yourself on the back: Juicing your fruit and vegetables
Invest in Healthy Relationships
June 2011 - Step 6 of a 12 Month Programme
Take time to check in with loved ones! Healthy relationships bring happiness and health to our lives.
Take this time to review the health of all types of relationships. Whether it is building bridges, easing your work load, being more active with your children, having quality time with your partner or simply investing time in yourself!
Ask yourself appropriate and relevant questions that support the relationships you are in e.g.“Do I visit my parents as often as I would like?”“What do I want?”“How can we as a family improve?”
As much as relationships can fulfil our needs…., they can also be volatile and vulnerable. All relationships are difficult to maintain a happy and constant level of mental and emotional stability; but it is achievable if you want it to. Remember it’s a two way process so keep an open mind without judgement, prejudice and criticism. Healthy relationships mean change and growth; so allow it to evolve, alter and progress.
Communication, Trust and Loyalty are essential in healthy relationships! Open dialect and articulate your feelings without offence and ill manners. Having empathy and being present heals and soothes worries and concerns. Be flexible, dependable and reliable too. Have real expectations…. No one can be everything we want them to be. Sometimes people disappoint us. Healthy relationships mean accepting people as they are and not trying to change them!
Don’t forget to please yourself!
Complementary Therapies – Many forms of complementary therapy have been around a very long time, they are effective and effortless to apply and appropriate for use , for most people. Complementary Therapies and there popularity lies in its benefits and significant worth in the overall treatments. They are a great way of investing in your own health. A great opportunity to push all that is on your mind away and let the therapies soothe and relax you.Aromatherapy/Indian Head Massage/ Relaxation Massage/Reflexology are soft tissue technique that are used to gently manipulate not only the muscles and joints; but they also relieve mental and emotional stress without any downtime! These treatments are almost instant once you are able to trust in the treatment therapy.
Enjoy your space. It's not always that you get to be by yourself in your own personal space. The normal routine is to go to work, , attend to problems, meet deadlines, be there for your family, etc. There are so many activities and things to take care of that you drain all your energy and you may hardly find time for yourself. So when you get the chance to have a Complementary Therapy Treatment, enjoy it!
Complementary Therapies allows you the time to Reflect and Contemplate. How often do you get the time for reflection and contemplation? In privacy you get to think through about your life; your involvement and participation in it.
So in June...............
Ditch: Harmful Gossiping, it seriously isn’t cool! People get hurt.
Take up: An activity that brings people together.
Pat yourself on the back: Get involved with the community. Be helpful and supportive
Detoxify Yourself….!
May 2011 - Step 5 of a 12 Month Programme
Now is the optimum time to undergo a good and thorough cleanse.
Detoxing is the process in which toxic substances are removed from the body. More specifically, detoxification refers to a number of different approaches by which the body is cleansed of harmful substances. The term Detoxification, is increasingly used for referring to the diets, herbs, supplements, and other methods of removing toxins from the body to increase overall health.
A body controlled by toxins can show a whole range of Physical symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence, bad breath, fatigue, muscular aches and pains, frequent colds, flus and headaches. They can also extend into our Mental and Emotional psyche; causing depression, anxiety, fear, etc.
Toxins are best described as agents that are capable of causing our bodies harm!
The body naturally eliminates waste and toxins and continually cleans itself, it's just common sense that body cleansing and detoxification is an important part of good health!
The respiratory system helps in detoxification of the body by the hair in your nose filtering the air coming in when you breathe, and by the elimination of toxins when you exhale air from your lungs.
In the digestive system,the wall of the small and large intestine filters toxins from nutrients that are being absorbed with an army of "friendly" bacteria that nuke toxins before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
The liver is like "command central" for the digestive system. The liver has numerous cleansing and purifying functions, including clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances. It also eliminates toxins through the urine. The kidneys filter toxins and impurities from the blood and eliminate them through urine.
The skin's sweat glands have a major role in eliminating toxic substances from the body. We sweat constantly for several reasons, and body cleansing and detoxification is one of them.
The lymphatic system assists the detoxification of the body of viruses and other disease-causing substances.
So let s begin...........
Start with making your overall lifestyle more non-toxic. Eat more natural foods, increase your fluid intake, exercise regularly, and avoid toxic substances like processed junk foods, canned goods, and preservatives. While you are trying body detoxification, increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Also, increasing your intake of nuts, beans, rice, and whole grains will improve your overall health.
Exercise in the outdoors, you'll be amazed at what the fresh air will do for your breathing and your circulation.
Stay regular. Having a regular bowel movement is crucial to your body's health. Foods that are rich in fiber can help you stay regular. During the body detoxification process, regular bowel movements help lessen the possibility of toxins being absorbed into the body further.
Work on your mind as well. A positive attitude can help you be improve your health. Remove all negative thoughts, these are only toxins to your mind and body.
Complementary Therapies are not for everyone but it is definitely an option worth considering, especially if other treatments are not having the desired effect.
Massage reduces toxins, this is exactly what makes massage an excellent tool for enhancing the reduction of unwanted or waste elements all over the body. The lymph does not have a pump, like the heart, so it relies on muscle movement and gravity of a massage to stimulate its flow. Massage aids the detoxification process and can increase the volume of lymph flow by up to twenty times. The skin is slightly stretched with gentle massage and then lightly and rhythmically stroked directing the lymph flow toward the nearest lymph node.Together with these benefits, therapeutic massage enhances the endorphins that are the natural painkillers for the body.
Reflexology is a non-invasive treatment suitable for all ages, reflexology is a safe and natural way to relax tension and help balance the whole body. Reflexology is a specific pressure technique administered with fingertips, which works on precise reflex points on the feet. These reflex points correspond to every part of the body so stimulating these reflexes properly can help many health problems in a natural way, a type of preventative maintenance.
Reflexology is a serious advancement in the health field.
Reflexology releases blocked energy and toxins, stimulates the circulatory system, relieves stress and tension and improves nerve function. It strengthens the immune system and restores and maintains a healthy balance in mind and body.
So in May...............
Ditch: Late nights, Alcohol and all if not most processed food.
Take up: Skin brushing to stimulate the Lymph. Use a soft bristle brush on dry skin, brushing towards the heart before bathing or showering
Pat yourself on the back: Getting out and about, long walks, jogging and yes even going to the park counts!
Invest in a juicer: Reap in all the nutritional goodness and embrace feeling good about yourself.
Re Charge your Batteries this Spring.... !
April 2011 - Step 4 of a 12 Month Programme
Being kind to yourself is vital. It is necessary for the maintenance of life. Being constantly unkind to yourself erodes your confidence, diminishes your self-worth, and extinguishes your individuality. Giving all your kindness away and reserving none for your own body, mind, and soul leaves you dry and empty. Eventually, you’ll have nothing left to give.
Complementary Therapies -A good massage will help you relax. Complementary Therapies are a great way of giving yourself something back. Recharge your batteries for Spring! If you are looking for a natural way of lessening the risks of the Mental/Emotional and physical ailments and conditions, Complementary Therapies provide an alternative to stress relief.Complementary Therapies are an excellent way of influencing the mind/body connection to promote relaxation and support the healing process.
Complementary Therapies such as Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Indian Head Massage are used within the Clinic to promote overall well being for the Mental, Emotional and Physical stresses.
Learn to relax- Sometimes we are so busy we forget to switch off and relax. Learning to relax is a technique we should all develop, whether it is reading a book, doing yoga or listening to relaxing music. Schedule time to relax and learn a relaxation or meditation technique. Studies show that relaxing can help you physically and emotionally. Just make sure that when you have down time you do something that you really enjoy and that inspires you. Taking a little time for yourself can in the short term make you relax, but in the long term can help you revitalize your life.
Make sure you get enough rest- Without basic sleep you won’t function very well. Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable hour and get enough sleep. Most adults need at least eight hours of sleep a night.
Eat right and exercise- Eating junk will make you feel bad. Develop a routine of regular exercise, eating right and taking extra vitamins. To eat healthily make sure you eat many foods rich in fibre and reduce sugary and fatty foods. Ideally you should be exercising for 30 minutes 4 to 6 times a week.
So in April...............
Ditch: Let go of old emotional baggage. Flush out negative thoughts.
Take up:Give yourself the gift of an hour a day.
Pat yourself on the back: Exercise and eat only nutritional foods. Try and drink up to 2 litres of water every day
March 2011-
Step 3 of a 12 month Programme
Active Living.... If you want to exercise and stick with it, the best thing to do is to put the effort and energy into finding something you enjoy doing. What many of us want when we go on a search for exercise advice is what activities to do, how long and how to do the exercise?
So how do you figure out how much exercise you need? One place to start is with your goals. The three most common goals to achieve when exercising are to gain better health, prevention of weight gain and weight loss.
Our lifestyles have grown increasingly less active, affecting the condition of our bodies. Exercise experts believe that regular mobility would bring back the natural balance and coordination; improve our cardiovascular fitness and lymphatic drainage, strengthen the muscles and improve bone density as well as giving us a sense of well being.
Complementary Therapies such as Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Indian Head Massage are used within the Clinic to promote overall well being for the Mental, Emotional and Physical stresses. However, the following Manual Techniques are also used within the Complementary Therapy Clinic for improving mobilisation and helping with sports injuries.
Massage often uses a technique called soft tissue mobilisation to loosen restricted areas. The body can also develop very sensitive and tender points or trigger points, which can originate from or be made worse by physical overload or emotional stress. Pressure points may be used to help ease the pain associated with these sensitive areas.
For problems lying deeper in the joint structures, gentle joint mobilisation may be applied. It is important to remember, however, that most forms of bodywork are not intended to just treat the symptoms but to help address the underlying causes of our discomfort. Sometimes pain in one area may be initiated by a problem in another area or it may represent disharmony in the system as a whole.
Trigger Point Therapy is a technique whereby pressure is directly applied for a short period of time until the pain lessens. Knots arise from painful, irritated areas in muscles caused by accidents/injuries, everyday stress and tension; where lactic acid builds up causing decreased circulation, inflammation and pain. The pressure helps break up muscle fibres and releases toxins that have built up. Trigger Point Therapy has immediate pain relief.
Most forms of Compression techniques and Postural balancing within Complementary Therapies are used at the centre of the sessions, this involves a light pressure application of the therapist fingers or hand on the muscle. As your muscle sensory receptors detect the pressure, they send signals to the central nervous system which in turn sends a message to reduce the tension in the muscle. As the tension releases, the muscle softens and the hand sinks deeper, finding the next layer of tension.
Exercise improves the overall functioning of the body and quality of life. Exercise therapy may decrease stress, pain, fatigue and depression. Staying active keeps joints, tendons and ligaments flexible; allowing you to move more easily and avoid injury. Regular work outs contribute to your mental well-being. Working out is a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety therefore, increases more energy and endurance for every day life.
Here, within the Complementary Therapy Clinic; we prescribe minimal and less time consuming exercise. Using the Low-Stress Method, these exercises do not involve quick jerky movements, instead concentrates on the direct efficiency of the desired outcome , whether it’s for decreasing health risks or improving one s lifestyle .
You may want to try these Alternatives Low – Stress Methods:
Pilates includes the Eastern exercise philosophy, which involves the training of the mind to control the body. The Eastern exercises focus on stretching and flexibility.
The Western traditions emphasise motion and strength.
Alexander Technique studies the posture, movement and balance. The Alexander technique encourages people to use their bodies and mind more effectively in the day-to day activities to avoid stress. The focus of the AT treatment is the proper position of the head, neck and back.
So in March ………..
Ditch: the lie-ins.
Take up: Tai Chi for energy. Running for Cardio, Trampolining for improving lymphatic circulation
Pat yourself on the back:Sticking to healthy Diet
Feng Shui your Mind, Body & Soul !
> Febuary 2011-
Step 2 of 12 month programme
Make this month a total clearout of the mind, body and soul. De clutter your address book, mobile phone, facebook and lose all emotional baggage. Clinging onto unhealthy people, even outdated emotions and opinions, literally holds you back.
Feng Shui your Mind, Body & Soul !
An ancient and wise approach to the way our environment affects us. The way we feel and the way we act is affected by the environment which surrounds us. This art is not only applied to the living environment but can help you in all aspects of your life.
Feng shui shows us how our spaces can be designed and re-arranged in order to provide us the right balance and harmony. Simple things such as the position in which we place our desk; or the friends and family we have, can become obstructive to the harmony we feel.
Feng shui studies the way chi moves and acts as an invisible force .Chi denominates the energy, which is always changing and moving and depends on the five elements in order to achieve harmony and balance.
Step 2 of 12 month programme, Like Feng Shui, Complementary Therapies uses the Senses and Elements– Using the combined elements of heat, water, touch and smell to introduce you to new experiences. Treatments include Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Water/Hydro/Heat therapy and Facial Acupoint treatment.
Healing through Treatments, both classical and modern can facilitate a centred mental and physical state and purge the body of unwanted and undesired stress.
Taking time for you is even more important when we consider how little time that we now spend on ourselves. Due to increased work pressure or a hectic lifestyle that many of us live making sure that you have ’‘time out’ is even more imperative. De-clutter your home, work environment and wardrobe!
Aromatherapy Massage/Indian Head Massage is the use of essential oils (highly concentrated plant extracts) in a carrier oil, specifically blended for an individual person’s needs. It is applied to the body through massage and works on both a physical and emotional level. There are various ways that you can use essential oils, however massage is the most common. It is also the most therapeutic method as the essential oils are diluted in carrier oils and rubbed directly into the skin.
Like the five elements in Feng shui, Aromatherapy oils are used to bring balance and harmony to the Mind, Body and Spirit.Since massage combines the senses of smell and touch it has instant physical and mental benefits.
So in February………….
Ditch: Get rid of all your unwanted clobber
Take up: Mindfulness meditation. Take five minutes every so often to focus on what you’re doing.
Complementar Therapies: Go for an Aromatherapy Massage
Pat yourself on the back for: Switching from coffee to warming herbal teas
If you're interested in trying complementary and alternative therapies,discuss these treatments with your doctor first. He or she can help you weigh the benefits and risks.
> January 2011-Step 1 of 12 month programme
New Year, New You!
Before you resolve to change your job, relationship, shape and size in one giant sized gulp, bear in mind that one in ten New Year’s resolution will have been broken by the 4 of January and almost half won’t make it into February!
Here at the Complementary Therapy Clinic, we are here to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.
New Year is the time when we all make resolutions, ranging from losing weight, stopping bad habits, or simply changing our lifestyle, promising ourselves that we will take more time on looking after ourselves, in the year to come.
For some, this may also include having a Complementary Therapy Treatments.
So to kick off the New Year why not book in for an Aromatherapy Massage within our Complementary Therapy Clinic.
For some people the dilemma of being overweight or getting rid of unhealthy lifestyle choices.This starts first in the mind; It is all psychological and once the mind is healthy, the body will automatically follow. Mentally, Aromatherapy can help you to fight stress and lift your mood.
The connection between smell and emotion are thought to be extremely close. Taking a deep breath of pleasant smells triggers positive reactions in the brain, resulting in a sense of wellbeing and goodness.
The same theory holds well when it comes to unhealthy lifestyle choices; the more you feel good and healthy, the more care you will take with your physical, mental and emotional well being. A regular Aromatherapy session can certainly help you to achieve a sense of well being and relaxation.
Aromatherapy has proven to be very useful. This natural way of treating your body has no side effect at all as compared to other treatments. Essential oils used are not only sweet smelling but have also the capacity to make all the difference.
To make sure your new regime goes to plan in 2011 as you mean to go on - I'll be with you every step, stretch and skip of the way...
Each month during 2011, I will be offering a 12 step programme in a few easy and manageable steps. So let’s begin and start with this month!
Step 1 - Assess your Life
Think about what you want to achieve over the coming year and figure out ways to do it. Look into Self Help courses, find helpful people and make a to-do list.
Coax yourself into healthy eating by cutting back on rich heavy food and alcohol. Shift your diet to warming soups and energy boosting lean meat and fish with plenty of fruit, veg , nuts and seeds.
Ditch:the quick fix diets- truly, it’s the wrong time of year.
Take up:Pilates or Yoga
Pat yourself on the Back for:Taking a multi-vitamin/supplement
Complementary Therapy: Go for an Aromatherapy Massage