Mamuna Arshad
Seasonal Greetings
November 2012
Raise Awareness, it's Movember!
Move over November, because this month marks the beginning of a charity event all about growing moustaches to raise awareness for men's health!
Movember is amedley of the words 'moustache' and 'November', Movember is an annual month-long event involving men all around the world growing moustaches. The rules are simple – men start Movember 1st clean shaven and grow a moustache for the entire month. Movember is for a great cause, raising awareness and funds for cancers that affect men.
With men continuing to be unhealthier than women, it's important that we're all aware of men's health issues.
What's more, recent studies show that men don’t get regular health checks because they are scared it will lead to a hospital visit, embarrassed to discuss their health issues, just can’t be bothered making an appointment or find it too hard to see a GP because of limited opening hours.
The Movember Foundation works with various organisations to better enable men to identify issues, seek effective treatments and look out for one another for years to come. Although it is interested in raising awareness around all men’s health issues, in the UK they specifically focus on prostate cancer and the campaign benefit the The Prostate Cancer Charity, the UK’s leading prostate cancer charity.
Get involved!
Men are encouraged to grow moustaches, but there are still plenty of other ways to get involved in Movember by donating funds or holding Mo Parties to celebrate the event and raise money.
October 2012 -
Breast Cancer Awareness
Breast Cancer Awareness is an annual campaign takes place every October in order to increase consciousness of breast cancer. During the month, information and support is offered to those who are affected by breast cancer. In addition, the awareness month provides an opportunity to remind women and men to be breast aware for earlier detection of cancer.
Like a third of all British women and men, most of us fail to do self examinations regularly for lumps and swellings that can help identify cancerous cysts. Be thorough when checking your breasts. Check for anything that looks or feels unusual.
Changes to check for:
A lump- Either in the breast, upper chest or armpits. Is there a lumpy area? Or unusual thickening of the breast tissue that doesn’t go away? Is there any unusual pain? Either in part of the breast or the armpit.Any change in size or shape? Look for any change in skin texture? Such as puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast. What about the appearance or direction of the nipple? Is there any unusual discharge? Any rash or crusting? Of the nipple or surrounding area.
PLEASE NOTE, If you have signs or symptoms then please, make an appointment to see your GP
Writing to heal oneself - Journals are a productive way to vent both small and large issues. It takes a great deal of energy to be upset,angry or hurt; it’s much healthier to drop it, as one would a suitcase full of trash. Holding on to negative thoughts is unhealthy and certainly quite a burden to carry! Once you are able to forgive, it’s easier to gravitate to all the good things and joys in your life.
Journaling is a cathartic way to spill your feelings out on the page rather than on the person or person s concerned. Whether affected by change, loss or pain, finding the time to write is critical to the healing process. Some people prefer to journal about their experience, while others may choose fiction or poetry to help them escape their own reality.
Each writer must bring together the type most compatible with them, the one which they find the most liberating and empowering. In the end, that’s what it’s all about Some writing tips:·
- Find a quiet uninterrupted time and place to write
- Choose an inspiring notebook and pen
- Take a deep breath
- Put aside your inner critic
- Date your entry
EXPRESS YOURSELF. Writing allows you to open up and learn from the thoughts and feelings that emerge. Strategies vary: You might write for 20 minutes per day for a week, or follow directions to recover a specific memory, such as the day you were diagnosed. BE HEALTHY. Expressive writing can help you cope with everything from poor body image and anxiety to chronic diseases,. RELEASE your EMOTIONS. Putting your innermost thoughts to paper releases intense feelings including guilt, sadness, or anger—emotions that can impede your body’s ability to heal
BE REAL and MAKE YOUR WORDS COUNT. Turn off your internal censors and write about your experiences— both positive and negative—as honestly as you can
BE REFLECTIVE. Set aside 30 to 45 minutes for each session. Spend 20 to 30 minutes writing, then use the rest of the time to reflect on what you’ve written,
BE SPECIFIC. Get all the details down. If you’re writing about the first time you received a certain treatment, for example, ask yourself questions like: “What do I remember about the room, the temperature, or the sound of my doctor’s voice?” Recall the thoughts or images that ran through your mind.
September 2012 - Enhancing our well-being through our senses
Our five senses are some of our most powerful tools for enhancing our well-being.
Even today, doctors are still trained to rely on their senses to help diagnose and treat illness. Yet the hectic pace of modern life can sometimes drown out our ability to tune in to our bodies. Here are some ways you can awaken your soul by paying attention to the five senses you were born to use.
We encounter the world through our senses. They influence our language and we rely on them for our daily safety and wellbeing. We may see or hear danger, smell a fire, and rely on touch to function on a daily basis. As well, as being functional, our senses are vital for our mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Smell can be a powerful sense. In fact, ninety percent of taste is actually smell. So use this sense to the fullest. When sitting down to eat, take a moment to deeply inhale the flavour of your food. Surround yourself with natural aromas from flowers or buy essential oils you can use to induce the feeling you want to create. Bergamot and peppermint, for example, have been shown to stimulate your concentration.
- A penetrating aroma cultivates all the senses. It can titillate the taste buds and acts as an anchor for memory.
- The memory centre plays a vital role in the emotional response.
Pleasant sounds, have the ability to bring us instant stress relief. Sounds that come from nature create a blank slate for the human brain to relax. Try listening to what’s closest in nature: the wind blowing, rain falling etc. Pleasing sounds encourage relaxation and are an important link with nature. Sounds vibrate the air, stimulating the flow of chi energy. Some ways to add sound include:·
- Playing music that incorporates the natural sound of birds, leaves rustling, babbling brooks, and waves, etc.
- Music is very therapeutic, but silence too is important for physical and emotional health.
Sight,Start to get in the habit of really watching the things that bring you joy.Take a closer look at the faces of the people you love. To sharpen your eyesight at work, try positioning your computer monitor slightly below eye level. This causes you to open your eyes less, which means less eye strain. Clear natural light from the sun raises our spirits and encourages health and wellbeing. Light is energy in its truest form. Light and colour create mood and atmosphere. They have the ability to dazzle or enhance, to dim or brighten.
Colour affects us emotionally, physically and spiritually and stimulates our senses by encouraging relaxation or activity. Each colour has certain characteristics:
Blue: Harmony, Peace. Violet: Royal, Sensitivity . Red: Warmth, Vitality. Orange: Invigorating, Warmth. Green: Nature, Hope. Yellow: Joyful, Uplifting .
Taste - Scientists describe four primary tastes we can identify: sweet, sour, bitter and salt. Identify which flavours evoke positive emotions for you and then turn that taste sensation into a longer ritual. Eat and drink at a slower pace. Nurse a glass of wine or savour a piece of chocolate or cheese. The energy of the senses should be in harmony including taste.
Touch - Part of what’s so amazing about touch is all the different textures and temperatures we can feel. Go outside and dig your hands into the earth or snow or feel the bark of a tree. Stroke a pet. Gently massage your temples. Try not to let a day go by without getting a hug. Quality touch is important for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
August 2012 - Sense of ease, wellbeing and harmony.
Do you often feel as if something is missing in your life?
From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and unhappiness fades away and we are refilled with a sense of ease, wellbeing and harmony. We become free from the pressure to keep busy and the need for stimulation, and rest at ease within ourselves in the moment. They usually occur when we are quiet and relaxed and there’s stillness around us, listening to or playing music, or after meditation or yoga .
The noise and buzz of our minds stops, and we feel a natural flow of connection between ourselves and our surroundings or other people.Sometimes these experiences seem to come out of nowhere, for no apparent reason. We might experience harmony of being for a brief moment first thing in the morning after a good night’s sleep;just for a few seconds, before our thoughts start to invade and distract us. For those brief seconds,our mind is empty and still, and we are filled with a sense of wellbeing and wholeness.
These moments of harmony don’t have to be fleeting. In fact, this is the basic aim of all spiritual traditions, and all spiritual practices: to generate a state of permanent inner harmony. This is what we call ‘enlightenment’ – a state in which the dispute of the human mind is truly healed. In harmony of being, life becomes a glorious adventure, full of elation and wonder However, spontaneous experiences of harmony like these are quite rare. Usually they are linked to certain activities or situations.
There are some physical activities which often give rise to the state. For example:
- Grab your trainers - Several joggers and long-distance runners say that running has a powerful psychological effect on them, making them feel very calm and alert, and more grounded.
- Take a dip - Swimming can also give rise to harmony. Swimming can get you into the rhythm of movements and the gliding feeling of going through the water can make you forget everything.
- Go extreme- More dangerous and demanding pursuits can generate harmony too, such as climbing, flying or diving. Activities like these require so much concentration that they help us to forget the niggling concerns of daily life.
- The great outdoors - Contact with nature is a major source of harmony too, and one of the main reasons why so many of us love the countryside. Nature draws our attention away from thought-chatter, and the stillness and helps us to relax even further. As a result, our minds become quiet.
The most important factor is that all of these activities provide a focus for the mind. There’s a steady stream of attention directed at a particular object, and this has the effect of quietening our day to day thought process. And when the mind is quiet in this way, we become free of both the disturbance and negativity of our normal thoughts. We feel a sense of inner stillness because there literally is stillness inside us.
Our being becomes calm and still ; which also means that the super-critical person inside our heads , who’s always judging our behaviour and reminding Us of the things we should feel bad about in the past and worry about in the future – disappears.
In these moments, we become aware that, although the surface of our being is filled with disturbance and negativity, beneath it all is a deep reservoir of calm and wellbeing.
Capture the feeling ·
Nature: The stillness and beauty of nature can quieten our minds and bring a sense of inner peace. ·
Help other people: unselfish acts connect ourselves with us and help to go beyond separateness.
Mindful exercises: When you have a shower, brush your teeth, eat your meals or any other daily activity, give your full attention to the experience rather than to thoughts inside your head.
Be Still:Timetable periods for ‘doing nothing’ during the week. Quietness allows our minds to settle into a state of harmony.
Go running or swimming: Sports like these can heal the surface friction of our minds and put us back in touch harmony .
July 2012 - It’s a pain
Is the pain you are suffering, recent or long-term, minor or severe?
While we all know what it’s like to feel pain, we may not give much thought to the type of pain we’re experiencing.
Short -term applies to something like a sprained ankle while long-term, continuous pain (also known as persistent or chronic), covers most back pain.
Then there’s the recurrent or intermittent pain that comes with a headache, for instance.Chronic pain lasts more than six months and is one of the most significant causes of suffering in the UK.
Common causes - Research shows almost 10 million Brits (and increasing) suffer pain daily, with a major impact on their quality of life. Back pain can affect anyone but it’s more common in people aged approx 35 to 55. Lower back pain will affect up to seven out of 10 people at some point in their lives .
Pain management programmes can help you learn how to manage your pain, increase your activities and have a better quality of life. A combination of group therapy, exercise, relaxation and education about the psychology of pain can help control and manage symptoms.
Pain-relieving treatments
Much can be done to manage pain but, before you embark on a treatment, discuss your options with a health care professional. Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or mild opiate- based painkillers, such as codeine, are good pain management tools. If you have a migraine, painkillers are best taken as soon as the symptoms start. Some are also available in cream or gel form to rub on the painful area.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)/Physiotherapy
A TENS machine is widely effective in pain management and is being used increasingly for people who have long-term back pain. It works by blocking pain signals by passing a mild electrical current through the skin via stick-on electrodes. Physiotherapy provides a wide variety of treatments for persistent pain including exercise, electrotherapy, manual therapies, advice on posture and tips on how to manage your activity levels and improve your fitness.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is based on the belief that the way you feel reflects the way you see things, and studies have shown that CBT can help manage chronic back pain. People who teach themselves to respond differently to pain by using relaxation techniques, stress management and a positive attitude,have reported reduced pain levels.
Surgery is sometimes used in serious cases of chronic back pain when the symptoms do not respond to other forms of treatment, they get progressively worse or there is an identifiable cause for the pain.
Complementary therapies - These can help control pain, and can be used in tandem with conventional treatments or on their own. Acupuncture,this involves the insertion of fine needles at certain points in the body, and can help encourage the body to release endorphins, our natural painkillers. It’s an effective way to reduce migraine and muscle pain. Chiropractors/osteopaths , these professionals use manual therapies such as manipulation and massage to treat pain. Manipulation is a forceful movement of a joint which helps improve the range of movement and reduce pain, allowing increased exercise and activity.
Lifestyle , Exercise such as walking, swimming and dancing not only boosts general health, strength and balance but can also block pain signals. Research shows that people with persistent pain who keep active tend to feel better and can do more. Controlling your weight can help ease pressure on your joints, which is particularly effective if you have arthritis. Using Relaxation Techniques such as deep breathing and deep muscle relaxation can reduce the stress associated with pain. Finally, becoming familiar with the triggers of your pain and avoiding them when possible can help, too.
JUNE 2012
Conversation is usually a give and take, but many people either take or tune out. .
Those who tune out risk alienating friends, family and colleagues. Unfortunately, we aren't trained to be good listeners, and our busy lifestyle discourages it, which means you may have done something equally annoying or hurtful to a friend, family member, or co-worker who was trying to communicate with you.
To help cultivate better conversations and more meaningful connections, here are a few tips on how to listen.
FOCUS. If you're juggling a hundred tasks, it's easy for your mind to wander during a conversation. Meditation is a good way to sharpen your focus. By disciplining your mind to focus on the here and now, you can stay in the moment without distraction.
TRY NOT TO INTERRUPT. Even if you're offering solid advice or genuine empathy, interrupting makes the conversation about you, not about the person who's trying to tell you something.
LEARN TO BE SILENCE. Many of us feel uncomfortable when there's a break in conversation, and we often rush to fill it. To get more comfortable with silence, taking the time each day to be intentionally quiet gives you the time and space to think and reflect on what the other person has said, leading to a deeper connection and more of an understanding.
PRACTICE THE ART OF LISTENING. Every conversation is an opportunity to listen. It isn't always easy but it's worth it. After all, the greatest gift we can give anyone is to truly be present and listen.
- Listening has to be learned.
- Listen and be present.
- Listen with an open mind and an open heart
- Concentrate totally on what is being said.
- Give visual encouragement
- Give Verbal encouragement
- Don't interrupt.
- Don't rush to fill a silence.
- Ask open questions
- reflect back If you want to be sure that you've understood a particular point,
Remember to try to make the time immediately to have a conversation. If someone has a worry or a suggestion or just a query, the sooner one can address it, the better for them .
Finally - the last lesson on effective listening is knowing when to stop listening. There are occasions when the wise and proper thing to do is not to listen. If a friend or colleague abuses your willingness to listen by taking an excessive amount of your time or taking time which is inappropriate, you need to say so, politely but firmly.
May 2012 -
Disconnect Yourself
The world today is completely different from 10,15 and even 20 years ago, living in this high tech world today demands us to stay connected .
It seems we can’t leave our home without being connected to the internet, facebook, twitter, blogging, playing online games, even dating on the internet.Sometimes we feel that by staying connected we have access to all that is going on.
By being connected we deny ourselves of our need for mental, emotional and physical communication. So I urge you to ask yourself..... Is being connected a necessity ?
Try and disconnect yourself from the internet for a while.
One in eight UK adults obsessively checks e-mails or loses track of time while browsing online.If that sounds like you, you may be addicted to the internet. Obsessive Web use is often driven by a hunger to connect with people or to feel like you belong, other signs of addiction include:
- Surfing the internet and mindlessly jumping between Web pages, often forgetting what you've just seen or read.
- Getting sidetracked by e-mails at the office instead of using the computer to do your work.
- Feeling preoccupied by the Web and worrying that you're missing something when offline,
- Upsetting family and friends with the time you spend online ....
Take the challenge of unplugging yourself from time to time. For example, at dinner time, turn off your cell phone, take a step away from your computer and iPad and allow yourself to enjoy the conversation of your loved ones.
Move forward and schedule times or even days when you take a break. Feel yourself enjoying living in the moment. Stop worrying about that next email, whether your Facebook post has got any comments or not, or if anyone new is following you on Twitter.
Take this time to spend time with friends and family, enjoying hobbies without interruption or simply relax. Once you’ve made disconnecting/unplugging yourself a priority. At first, it will make you feel disconnected and even anxious. You have to remember that you can check your email and catch up with Facebook later and it will be okay.
By disconnecting, you will be able to enjoy a conversations with a friends and family and really listen to what they’re saying. You won’t have to worry about missing something in your real life because you’re too concerned with your life on the Internet.
The Internet and technology should be used in moderation. I promise you’ll feel more relaxed and happy if you schedule times to unplug. The technologies will always be waiting for you when you need to use it again.
April 2012 - Energy Suckers!
These Vampires thrive and flourish on draining you of your natural vitality. Energy is what propels and moves us forward in life and is something we need in abundance, to supply us to feel good about ourselves.
Leading a healthy lifestyle and really enjoying the life you lead can often be taken for granted until you come into contact with that particular someone, who seems to invade and reach into our very being and turn our energy tap off! Before you know it, your mood has changed and you suddenly feel tired and a shadow of your former self.
We often pride ourselves on being friendly and always being available and ready to listen, support and help offer advice whenever we can. In fact, we freely give away energy simply because we genuinely do care and want to help. Yet Energy Suckers thrive on this very thing, regularly “dumping/burdening” their problems onto us and not paying the slightest attention to our attempts to help solve their problems and issues. Worst of all Energy Suckers often have no interest in anyone else’s life.
Most commonly Energy Vampires can be friends, colleagues, partners or even family members.
Learn to spot the main culprits….
Drama Queen – Make a big deal out of nothing.
The Trespasser/Intruder – Has no awareness or consideration for you or anyone else.
The Whinger /Complainer – Takes complaining to new dizzy heights, complains about anyone, anything and everything.
The Critic – Never has anything good or positive to say.
The Blamer – Never takes responsibility for themselves and is always quick to pass the blame.
Energy/Vampire slaying strategies
Once you recognise the signs, the following steps can change the way you interact with your Energy Vampire:-
Express your feelings
Start by acknowledging your circumstance to yourself and think about how to become directly proactive. You may feel it inappropriate to talk to them and feel it will not make any difference, yet it may be worth taking the risk and finding out how they feel. That person may feel mortified and want to change.
Be Assertive, It’s clear your communication and interaction style has to change and you have to learn to be more assertive. The best way to change within a friendship or a relationship is to actually decide to do things differently. You must also learn to say NO, know your limitations and boundaries and stick to them. You also need to make it known that you will not stand being compromised in any shape or form.
Put a Stop to it! Most people find their Energy Vampire’s extremely annoying and realise that they need to find away to close the energy drain. The Energy Vampire will soon move on. Often, just simply being aware, visualising and consciously deciding not to give energy to that person is a good starting point.
Good Energy - Surrounding yourself with people who reflect a sense of vibrancy, radiate happiness and support, can do wonders for your overall well being.
March 2012 - Weekend Sleep lie-ins are good for your health
Sleeping later at the weekend could be vital to our health and wellbeing!
If you love lazy weekends spent sleeping, then I bring good news. Research has shown that those extra hours in bed at the end of the week are vital for our well being.Research suggests lie-ins provided an antidote to the effects of days of sleep deprivation during the week.
Experts say most people need between 7.5 and nine hours' sleep a night. Previous research found that even moderate sleep deprivation can seriously impair brain functions.One or two hours of extra sleep is an essential boost to brain power and is all that’s needed to re-energise the brain and improve concentration and develop a better attention span. But for those of you who are seriously sleep deprived, even 10 hours spent snoozing may be inadequate to cancel out the negative effects of late nights and early mornings.
Not getting enough sleep can have adverse effects on health, including stress, poor immune system and low moods, which can have an impact on your work performance. Although it is recommended that we get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, some of us are losing sleep by not getting enough.Studies show that sleep is important to help replace muscle tissue and dead cells throughout the body. Studies have also shown that sleep is a key time for the brain to process and archive information to stimulate the brain.
Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to feeling energetic and making the most of our days. Some nights, even though we are very tired it is difficult to get to sleep because there is so much going on in our minds. When this happens, we feel stressed and that makes it even more difficult to get some rest.Nothing feels worse than hearing your alarm clock ring in the morning when your body is screaming for a few extra hours of rest. Every night without adequate rest is like adding to a sleep debt, eventually it will have to be repaid.
Even after one sleepless night, we can feel the first effects of sleep deprivation including irritability, memory loss, and drowsiness. Continued sleep deprivation can result in trouble concentrating, blurry vision, impaired judgment. After just a few days without any sleep, people can begin to experience hallucinations, mania, and nausea. Luckily, if you repay your sleep debt right away, those effects vanish immediately.If you find having a lie in is not a problem but getting to sleep is, here is a list of techniques you may want to use to clear your mind before bed:
1. Go for a massage. Complementary Therapies are a great way to de stress and relax and definitely promote a good night sleep.
2. Take a warm bath to relax muscles so that falling asleep occurs easily.
3. Listen to soothing music.
4. If you go to bed and cannot keep your mind from thinking too much, get out of bed and do something (read) until you are very tired and then go back to bed.
5. Keep a diary -Write down what has happened during the day that was troubling and what was positive – it helps to clear your thoughts about the day. It is helpful to have a list of techniques that help to clear your mind before going to bed, so when you are in bed and cannot fall asleep, you know what to do rather than tossing and turning and feeling stressed because you cannot sleep.
So make sure you grab your pyjamas and your duvet this weekend for a lovely long lie- in.
February 2012
Shake the Blues & have a laugh!
A good laugh reduces mental, emotional and physical tension.
The sound of laughter is far more infectious than a cold or flu. Laughter triggers change in the body; from strengthening your immune system, boosting your energy and reducing stress levels. Nothing works more rapidly or more reliably to bring your mind, body and spirit back into balance.
The gift to laugh easily and frequently is a wonderful resource for stress by supporting both physical and emotional health.There are many diseases and adverse conditions such as stress and fatigue. where laughter works better than any actual medicine.
Laughter can actually reduce the amount of stress hormones your body releases; these hormones can have a detrimental effect on your heart and other areas of your body. In fact, research shows that good humor and laughter may:
- Buffer you against depression
- Reduce stress and the impact of stress on the body
- Improve self-esteem
- Reduce loneliness and increase bonding with others
- Improve quality of life, even for people coping with cancer or chronic disease
- Increase immunity—your body's ability to fight infection
- Improve pain tolerance
Laughter and being in good humour may also reduce your risk for heart disease and heart attack.Here are a few more points to show how laughter is the best medicine:
- Laughter relaxes the whole body and good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress.
- Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases the protection of the immune system therefore, improving your resistance to disease.
- Laughter triggers the release ofendorphins, Endorphins promote a sense of well-being.
- Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow.
Complementary Therapies/Aromatherapy. Scents Can Encourage a Good Mood
Essential oils are one of the most versatile ways to create the life and mood you truly desire. Whether you use them in diffusion, massage, inhalation, or bath, essential oils will help enhance happiness and amusement.Essential oils enhances energy and happiness. Aromatherapy helps to revive, and invigorates, and enhances optimism.
Colour Therapy Change Your Dress Code! How would you feel in a world that showed only shades of black and white? At any given moment, colours are influencing your life, moods, and emotions. Colours also affect your overall health and well-being-even subconsciously we wear colors that represent our mood of the day. Each colour possesses a specific "vibration" or frequency that corresponds to our chakra system. The colours we wear play with our moods, thus attracting what we put out.
Get some perspective, allowing you to see situations in a more realistic, less threatening light. A humorous perspective creates psychological distance, which can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Laugh at yourself. The best way to take ourselves less seriously is talk about times when we took ourselves too seriously.
A happy mind leads to a happy body and soul. And there are hardly many things that can result in more happiness than a genuine dose of laughter. Laughter makes you feel good and the good feeling that you get when you laugh remains with you even after the laughter subsides by keeping a positive, cheerful and optimistic outlook through difficult situations.
Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative it is intended for general information only. The tips given in this article are not intended as a substitute for the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner. If you have any concerns regarding your health you should seek the advice of your doctor immediately.
January 2012
How to overcome a lack of motivation in the New Year!
Intervention could be the order of the day/month/year to overcome a lack of motivation and drive. Stop and intervene. It is better to take the time to change the way you feel. By applying these simple motivation techniques, you will be able to supercharge your energy levels!
Keep Your Energy Up! - After setting your goals you might experience times where you do not have the energy to carry on. The most common technique for motivating yourself or others is to formulate a plan by setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-managed.
Stay Positive and have some fun- Change the way you think,this will help you have all the energy in the world .For example, some people set exciting goals like losing weight. To achieve that goal, going to the gym regularly may be the answer. If the gym does not appeal to you , then find alternative and healthy methods to lose weight as long as it’s fun, for instance organising a salsa evening.
Adjust you're thinking.Make yourself feel the way you do. Expand your mind, listen, read and regain or learn new skills.
Take the Time-For each major goal you set, track your progress and reward yourself! There is nothing wrong in treating yourself after accomplishing what you have achieved.
Set small goals -Make sure they're realistic and small enough so that you can actually make headway and achieve them.
Reassess, Review and evaluate Take a look at who is around you in your daily life. Are they positive or negative? Helpful or hurtful? Toxic or healthy? Keep positive people near you at all times and purge the rest.
“Just do it!” You don’t have to wait to feel motivated, just start doing the simple things first. You don’t have to look at the big picture first, look at what you can do right NOW.
Complementary Therapies can help improve your levels of fitness, energy and well being. A great addition for the New Year! Mind and body are inseparable and our physical health is very important for our overall sense of well-being.Our mental health can be affected by our physical health and vice versa and this is why it is vital that we take a holistic approach to recovery.
There are many ways we can all promote and protect our physical and mental health: Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage(to name a few) are wonderful treatments to boost your motivation and commitment for the year ahead.
Read and give yourself a Mantra, inspiring quotations or a passage from an author that has experienced a similar path to one that you want to travel.
Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative it is intended for general information only. If you have any medical conditions, this article is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner. If you have any concerns regarding your health you should seek the advice of your doctor immediately.